Danone – Iron Webinar

Danone has always developed and disseminated scientific knowledge on health and nutrition for the benefit of public health in Ivory Coast and the Sahel region. This was usually done through workshops with pediatricians and midwives physically present in the country.

And then the COVID-19 pandemic arrived with demands for social distancing, fear, uncertainty, bans on public gatherings. In addition to its share of deaths among adults, the pandemic would endanger infants, by cutting off access to essential knowledge for pediatricians and midwives.

As the world became more familiar with Zoom, we brought the workshop experience online, recreating a series of entirely digital events, from registration to post-event feedback. We combined SMS marketing, Zoom, Typeform and free music to plan, execute and evaluate the workshops.

12 workshops were organized with the participation of more than 800 health specialists. The format has now become standard practice, even when the ban on gatherings has been lifted. The NPS remained very close to that of physical events. And participants congratulated Danone for this rapid action.

Webinar for pediatricians and midwives

Services Provided:
Integrated Communications
